
  1. Setsuko S, Sugai K, Tamaki I, Takayama K, Kato H, Yoshimaru H (accepted) Genetic diversity, structure, and demography of Pandanus boninensis (Pandanaceae) with sea drifted seeds, endemic to the Ogasawara Islands of Japan: comparison between young and old islands. Molecular Ecology XX: XXX–XXX
  2. Lu R-S, Chen Y, Tamaki I, Sakaguchi S, Ding Y-Q, Takahashi D, Li P, Isaji Y, Chen J, Qiu Y-X (2020) Pre-Quaternary diversification and glacial demographic expansions of Cardiocrinum (Liliaceae) in temperate forest biomes of Sino-Japanese Floristic Region. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 143: 106693
  3. Tamaki I, Kawashima N, Setsuko S, Lee J-H, Itaya A, Yukitoshi K, Tomaru N (2019) Population genetic structure and demography of Magnolia kobus: variety borealis is not supported genetically. Jorunal of Plant Research 132: 741–758
  4. Aoki K, Tamaki I, Nakao K, Ueno S, Kamijo T, Setoguchi H, Murakami N, Kato M, Tsumura Y (2019) Approximate Bayesian computation analysis of EST associated microsatellites indicates that the broadleaved evergreen tree Castanopsis sieboldii survived the Last Glacial Maximum in multiple refugia in Japan. Heredity 122: 326–340
  5. Tamaki I, Kawashima N, Setsuko S, Itaya A, Tomaru N (2018) Morphological and genetic divergence between two lineages of Magnolia salicifolia (Magnoliaceae) in Japan. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 125: 475–490
  6. Tamaki I, Nomura K, Nomura R, Tate C, Watanabe C, Miyakami Y, Yabe Y (2018) Evaluation of a field experiment for the conservation of a Magnolia stellata stand using clear-cutting. Landscape and Ecological Engineering 14: 269–276
  7. Hiraoka Y, Tamaki I, Watanabe A (2018) The origin of wild populations of Toxicodendron succedaneum on mainland Japan revealed by genetic variation in chloroplast and nuclear DNA. Journal of Plant Research 131: 225–238
  8. Tamaki I, Tani S, Setsuko S, Ueno S, Wadasaki N, Tomaru N (2017) Reduced incompatibility in the production of second generation hybrids between two Magnolia species revealed by Bayesian gene dispersal modeling. American Journal of Botany 104: 1546–1555
  9. Chen C, Lu R, Zhu S, Tamaki I, Qiu YX (2017) Population structure and historical demography of Dipteronia dyeriana (Sapindaceae), an extremely narrow palaeoendemic plant from China: implications for conservation in a biodiversity hotspot. Heredity 119: 95–106
  10. Tamaki I, Yoichi W, Matsuki Y, Suyama Y, Mizuno M (2017) Inconsistency between morphological traits and ancestry of individuals in the hybrid zone between two Rhododendron japonoheptamerum varieties revealed by a genotyping-by-sequencing approach. Tree Genetics & Genomes 13: 4
  11. Yoichi W, Jin X-F, Peng C-I, Tamaki I, Tomaru N (accepted) Contrasting diversification history of three-leaved azaleas (Rhododendron section Brachycalyx) in East Asia between insular and continental species. Journal of Biogeography
  12. Yoichi W, Tamaki I, Sakaguchi S, Song, J-S, Yamamoto S, Tomaru N (2016) Population demographic history of a temperate shrub, Rhododendron weyrichii (Ericaceae), on continental islands of Japan and South Korea. Ecology and Evolution 6: 8800–8810
  13. Tamaki I, Setsuko S, Sugai K, Yanagisawa N (2016) Development of microsatellite makers for the clonal shrub, Orixa japonica (Rutaceae) using 454 sequencing. Applications in Plant Sciences 4: 1600066
  14. 玉木一郎・水野三正・柳沢直・津田格・中川祐弥・板谷明美 (2016) 名古屋市北東部の都市緑地に残存する天然生林の樹木群集構造と種多様性. 保全生態学研究 21: 93–102
  15. Izuno A, Hatakeyama M, Nishiyama T, Tamaki I, Shimizu-Inatsugi R, Sasaki R, Shimizu KK, Isagi Y (2016) Genome sequencing of Metrosideros polymorpha(Myrtaceae), a dominant species in various habitats in the Hawaiian Islands with remarkable phenotypic variations. Journal of Plant Research 129: 727–736
  16. Tamaki I, Setsuko S, Tomaru N (2016) Genetic diversity and structure of remnant Magnolia stellata populations affected by anthropogenic pressures and a conservation strategy for maintaining their current genetic diversity. Conservation Genetics 17: 715–725
  17. Matsushita M, Setsuko S, Tamaki I, Nakagawa M, Nishimura N, Tomaru N (2016) Thinning operations increase the demographic performance of the rare subtree species Magnolia stellata in a suburban forest landscape. Landscape and Ecological Engineering 12: 179–186
  18. Tamaki I, Kuze T, Hirota K, Mizuno M (2016) Genetic variation and population demography of the landrace population of Camellia sinensis in Kasuga, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 63: 823–831
  19. Tamaki I, Nomura K, Nomura R, Tate C, Ogiso M, Miyakami Y, Yabe Y (2015) Seedling survival and growth during the two years following seed germination of Magnolia stellata, a threatened sub canopy tree, after clearcutting. Journal of Forest Research 20: 415–419
  20. Torimaru T, Takeda Y, Matsushita M, Tamaki I, Sano J, Tomaru N (2015) Family-specific responses in survivorship and phenotypic traits to different light environments in a seedling population of Fagus crenata in a cool-temperate forest. Population Ecology 57: 77–91
  21. 谷早央理・玉木一郎・鈴木節子・戸丸信弘 (2014) シデコブシとタムシバの正逆種間交配間における種子形成と発芽率の差異. 日本森林学会誌 96: 200–205
  22. 玉木一郎・野村勝重・野村礼子・楯千江子・小木曽未佳・宮上佳弘 (2014) シデコブシ自生地の皆伐後1年目の萌芽・実生更新. 日本森林学会誌 96: 193–199
  23. Tamaki I, Okada M (2014) Genetic admixing of two evergreen oaks, Quercus acuta and Q. sessilifolia (subgenus Cyclobalanopsis), is the result of interspecific introgressive hybridization. Tree Genetics & Genomes 10: 989–999
  24. Muranishi S, Tamaki I, Setsuko S, Tomaru N (2013) Asymmetric introgression between Magnolia stellata and M. salicifolia at a site where the two species grow sympatrically. Tree Genetics & Genomes 9: 1005–1015
  25. 村西周平・玉木一郎・鈴木節子・戸丸信弘 (2011) シデコブシとタムシバの自然種間交雑個体の同定. 中部森林研究 59: 39–42
  26. Tokumoto Y, Matsushita, M, Tamaki I, Sakai S, Nakagawa M (2009) How does flowering magnitude affect seed survival in Shorea pilosa (Dipterocarpaceae) at the predispersal stage, in Malaysia? Plant Species Biology 24: 104–108
  27. Tamaki I, Ishida K, Setsuko S, Tomaru N (2009) Inter-population variation in mating system and late-stage inbreeding depression in Magnolia stellata. Molecular Ecology 18: 2365–2374
  28. Tamaki I, Setsuko S, Tomaru N (2009) Estimation of outcrossing rates at hierarchical levels of fruits, individuals, populations and species in Magnolia stellata. Heredity 102: 381–388
  29. 玉木一郎・鈴木節子・戸丸信弘 (2009) 三重県北部に分布するシデコブシの集団内と集団間の遺伝的構造. 中部森林研究 57: 51–54
  30. 木村孝貴・鈴木節子・玉木一郎・戸丸信弘 (2009) 海上の森の屋戸川上流域に生育するシデコブシ(Magnolia stellata) の個体群動態. 中部森林研究 57: 47–50
  31. Tamaki I, Setsuko S, Tomaru N (2008) Genetic variation and differentiation in populations of a threatened tree, Magnolia stellata: factors influencing the level of within-population genetic variation. Heredity 100: 415–423
  32. 玉木一郎・鈴木節子・戸丸信弘 (2008) 三重県四日市市のシデコブシ残存3集団における孤立化・小集団化の影響. 中部森林研究 56: 25–28
  33. Setsuko S, Tamaki I, Ishida K, Tomaru N (2008) Relationships between flowering phenology and female reproductive success in the Japanese tree species Magnolia stellata. Botany 86: 248–258
  34. 玉木一郎・星野大介・鈴木節子・戸丸信弘・山本進一 (2005) 海上の森における構成樹種の個体群構造. 中部森林研究 53: 45–48